Whitecap Consulting is delighted to have been invited to speak at the annual Local & Regional Building Societies Conference 2017, organised by the Building Societies Association.


The two-day conference takes place on 1st – 2nd November at the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester and will focus on digital and customer innovation. The conference is hosted by Marsden Building Society and sponsored by Mutual Vision and has a line-up of digital and customer experts across the 2 days. In addition to Whitecap, speakers will include KPMG, Yorkshire Building Society, IMC, KPMG Nunwood, and applied futurist Tom Cheesewright.

Whitecap will be delivering a talk titled: Exploring Digital & FinTech in the context of the strategic planning process. The session will take a practical and strategic look at opportunities in financial technology including:

Current situation analysis for regional building societies

Assessment of market developments / trends specifically in Digital and FinTech – showcasing several FinTech businesses

Strategic considerations for building societies and how FinTech firms could assist building societies

Organisational and implementation implications, including considerations for integration with FinTechs

The session will feature the results of a pre-event research exercise being undertaken by Whitecap Consulting amongst the attendee organisations, which will provide context for the presentation and subsequent panel discussion.

More information about the Local & Regional Building Societies Conference can be found here.