Yorkshire businesses encouraged to look to future

Business leaders in Yorkshire are being invited to ‘Explore the Future’, a free seminar organised by the Leeds-based teams of Barclays Business Banking, Microsoft and Whitecap Consulting.

The seminar, taking place on Thursday 19th June 2014 at Barclays flagship branch, 69 Albion Street, Leeds, will focus on how businesses can look to enhance their future prosperity via the themes of Strategy, Innovation & Growth.

  • Barclays Business Banking will look at the challenge of funding, and how businesses can successfully secure finance for their growth aspirations.
  • Microsoft will share their insights on technologies for the future and will also explain how businesses can protect their ideas and innovations.
  • Strategy advisory firm Whitecap Consulting will discuss the importance of structure and planning when aspiring to achieve short and long term business goals.
  • Ignite Sports will talk about what businesses can learn from the world of elite sports when setting their goals and striving to continually improve their performance levels.

Helen Clarke Area Business Manager for Barclays in Leeds Bradford, said: “Our commitment to support growth focused businesses in Yorkshire is well known and we are delighted to be part of an event with such a positive objective. The region’s future economic prosperity relies heavily on the ability of businesses to achieve their goals and growth targets.”

Julian Wells, Director of Whitecap Consulting, said: “In our experience businesses that achieve their full potential do so because they successfully put in place plans and set targets to help them reach their long term goals. We are excited to be part of this event and to have the opportunity to speak to some of Yorkshire’s leading businesses.”

Katy Hamilton from Microsoft said “At Microsoft we are committed to supporting and accelerating business growth. We are looking forward to sharing practical support and resources to help businesses stay safe, legal and to make the most of the very latest and greatest technology available.”

The event will commence at 8am with breakfast and networking, and is expected to finish at 10.30am.

This exclusive event is expected to be highly popular and has a capacity of just 40 attendees. Places can be booked by clicking here.

<NOTE: Select ‘West Yorkshire’ from the drop down list, then book onto the event on 19th June – listed as a lending clinic>