Helping organisations develop and implement strategies and plans to recover and rebuild following Coronavirus

We are not specialists in Covid-19, and like everyone else, we can’t say exactly how this will all unfold… but we are specialists in helping clients develop strategies in disruptive and uncertain times, and we hope that our skills and experience can benefit organisations facing unprecedented challenges.

Covid-19 impact:

Coronavirus has impacted organisations and markets in numerous ways.

Some have been put on hold, others downsized, and some have been overwhelmed with short-term demand. It is appropriate to take stock, reflect on the current situation, what’s changed and define aims for the next 3-6-12 months.


Scenario planning:

We help define the critical factors in business performance and map the key uncertainties.

Then develop and discuss potential scenarios over the planning period, considering varying levels of volatility. Finally, assess the potential implications and actions available to the organisation, given its specific aims.


Recovery strategy & plans:

Consider the strategies available and select and develop the preferred strategy option.

Develop the critical work streams, key interdependencies and a project roadmap, with necessary resources and costs. Help prepare the organisation for implementation through functional alignment and colleague engagement.


Strategy implementation:

Identify and address the critical barriers and enablers, as well as the key systems and controls. Deliver the strategy at pace, driving tasks and actions in the plan, with regular performance and output reviews. Track and monitor progress against the strategy and monitor risks and unfolding events in a rapidly changing environment.